We are one of the few universities in the UK that own their own rental service (our Lock Up). We have skis, poles, boards, boots and helmets of all descriptions perfect for your every need. For the more advanced skiers we even have a couple of touring sets including Faction skis with touring bindings and backpacks with shovels, probes and tranceivers. Our rates are much cheaper than anywhere else in Scottish or European resorts so we recommend checking with us first!
We have a fully equipped lock up for servicing skis and boards so bring your gear down and get it prepped. As a member we'll give you a hand, teach you what to do and let you use all the gear (irons, scrapers, files tools, wax, P-Tex, etc.)
The Lock Up is open for a couple of hours every week, so sign up to our weekly newsletter or join our Team Facebook group to get weekly information on opening days and times!
If you're wanting to rent some gear and want to avoid disappointment by finding we're out of the bits you're after, send us a little heads up in advance by emailing Tudor at eussc.equipment@gmail.com.
Feel free to contact Tudor about any other queries at the same email listed above, or by using the contact form shown below.
Make your way to the CSE Gym and go through the arch to the left hand side down the steps from the bike rack. Continue towards the end of the car park and head down the steps on the right hand side before the patioed area. We're in there on the left. If in doubt, follow the music. Mind your head.
Pleasance Sports Centre and Gym, 46 Pleasance, Edinburgh, EH8 9TJ